Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Moment Can Change Your Life Forver…

One moment can change your life…

This is one of the most powerful
experiences I’ve ever had in my life
and it just happened July 3rd.

The skies were partly cloudy and the
rain was coming down off and on as it
had been all month in Texas.

I was driving home from Dallas with Kelly
thinking about how excited I was to meet
up with my kids in Utah for the 4th of
July celebration.

Nothing spectacular was happening, just
drivin home.

Then I started to notice a dull ache in my

Very quickly I realized something was
really wrong. It felt very unfamiliar
and unnatural.

My arm started going numb and the pain
in my stomach was becoming unbearable.

Within minutes my clothes were soaked
through with sweat and I was losing the
ability to breath.

I have never been so scared in my life.

I truly thought that I was dying!

I thought I might be having a heart
attack or something but it just kept
on getting worse and worse.

I dialed 911 and handed the phone to
Kelly because I couldn’t breath let
alone muster up enough breath to speak.

I was fading in and out awareness and
consciousness and there was nothing I
could do about it.

It was the most helpless feeling I’ve
ever had in my life.

What really stood out to me is the 2
thoughts that are tattooed on my brain
forever now.

I couldn’t bare the thought of not
being able to tell my kids goodbye.

To tell them one last time how much
I loved them and how proud I am to have
such wonderful daughters.

The next and only other thought that
entered my mind was this.

If I die, everything inside me dies right
along with me.

It’s gone forever if I go.

All of the experience, all the wisdom, all
the lessons I’ve learned, all the trials
and challenges I’ve beaten, all the love,
all the passion, all the knowledge, and
all of the ability to change peoples
lives would be gone forever!

At that moment I realized something that
I had never truly realized before…

My own value.

It may seem strange that I don’t recognize
my own value but I think a lot more people
on this planet are like me than not.

We just get to close to our own lives to
be able to see what we do for others and
to see how powerfully we effect their lives.

One testimonial stands out pretty strong in
my mind right now.

“Mike is such a fascinating guy. He is an
inspiration for so many people around
him. If you are in his presence you sense
this “ordinary man” has no idea how many
people are affected by knowing him.

He changes lives.”

That’s a very nice thing to say about me
and I am honored by that.

The thing is, it’s 100% correct.

I don’t have any idea how many people are
affected by knowing me.

See to me, I’m just me! :o)

And to you you’re “just” you. But in a
moment of uncertainty for me when I could
have lost it all, I realized that being
“just” me was a HUGE thing!

My gift in this world is special and so
is yours.

It’s about damn time all of us, including
me, accept that truth.

I get just as much joy from eating a meal
prepared by a brilliant and talented chef
as I do watching a funny as hell comedian!

They are sharing their gifts with me changing
and enhancing my life experience.

Imagine if they never listened to that inner
voice and did something they might be good
at but it wasn’t their essence!

If NASCAR pit crews put on a chef hat and
chefs got up on stage to be comedians, and
people like me attempted to be accountants
the world would be a pretty lame place with
very little of that fiery passionate energy
that makes you want to sing!

My experience with that “brush of death” has
opened my eyes A LOT wider and made me stand
up and take notice of how much I have to offer
the world.

I want you to see your own value too.

What do you have inside of you? What is it
that you would regret not getting out if you
were to go tomorrow?

It’s a humbling thought to say the least.

Lucky for me I’m doing a 6 week training and
coaching in 2 weeks. It was going to be freakin
awesome but now…

It’s going to be the best work I’ve ever done
in my entire life!

I’m not holding back ANYTHING and I’m gonna go
crazy with this thing.

It’s going to be one of the “great classics”
up on the shelf with the books and programs
that are considered required reading for
personal development.

When I’m done with this I will have drained
myself of every ounce of energy I can put into

I want to KNOW that the best of me is out
there for the world to benefit from.

I really think that the people who acted on
this coaching program are very lucky people.

It was going to kick ass before but now…

I’m doing this coaching as if my life and
the lives of my family depended on it.

I don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen
because I’ve never been so inspired in
my life to create a masterpiece but I do
know you’re going to have quite an experience
if you are one of the people on live

What are you going to do to get the best of
you out into the world where it belongs?

It’ doesn’t do you, me, or anyone else any
damn good being trapped and locked away
inside of you.

It’s time you (and me) blow the doors off
that greatness that lives within and enhance
your own life by enhancing others!

I hope this message inspired you to find,
experience, and share your greatness with
the world.

You never know when you won’t have that
chance any more…

P.S. I expect I’ll be getting a few phone
calls from some friends who are just
hearing about my little drama session so to
put you at ease…

I’m OK now. It was a very, very strange
event. After 4 hours I left the Emergency
Room breathing and walking on my own.

I still had some discomfort but not that
crippling pain that I thought was going to
kill me.

The only thing I got from the hospital was
a morphine drip and big bill.

I would have gladly paid a million bucks
for the outcome I got.

If you know your gifts and greatness, share
it with the world. if your still looking
for what makes you great, see if there are
any spots left in my 6 week coaching and I’ll
share my gift of helping you find that within

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