Friday, May 9, 2008

Britney Spears Fashion Disaster: Name that Bag!

Just when we thought she was doing the slightest bit better, Britney Spears is at it again. At what you may ask, well at dressing herself in fashion disasters. There may have been a time in many of our lives where we wore tiny shorts and itsy-bitsy shirts that were popping open and thought we looked ok. Britney Spears does this too. Problem is that she is now 25, mother of two, and constantly in the spot light. Other major problem is that she *knows* she will be in the spotlight. Does she not check out a mirror? Does no one from her entourage try to subtly tell her, "hell no do not do that"? Guess not. If she would like, I will assist her in covering her body up and I will do it for free. Yes, I am that kind. At least she is sporting a new handbag. This bag I actually dig; it is funky with its brass stud detailing. While her fashion is a disaster, her bag is hip. So let's stop making fun of her and just play Name that Bag!

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